These examples are prints that celebrate the seemingly ordinary or mundane. Things that we use or see, or activities that we do everyday. From the ritual of having a cup of tea, to the front of our own homes, to the weathered fence posts that we pass by on our daily walk.
Great Grandma Betty's Teacup
multiplate linoprint, 2016
akua ink on fabriano tiepolo and hosho
image size 56cm x 66cm
I developed a series of images for the Beautifully Mundane exhibition at the Rockhampton Art Gallery in 2017 that centred on the ritual and luxury of afternoon tea in more stately era. A time when ladies dresses swept the floor and men graced a necktie and pocket watch. Fine bone china tea cups, teapots and delicately embroidered drawn thread tablecloths. These were items of beauty, things to be passed down through generations - by ship from Scotland to Australia - things that are a part of my family. What is now seen as everyday mundane - mugs, teabags and plastic kettles - was once something beautiful, something to be celebrated.
Grandma Net's Teapot
linoprint, variation 1, 2016
akua ink on fabriano tiepolo
image size 46cm x 61cm
Large scale linoprints, some with embossing and stitching, with inspiration from tea sets and a tablecloth that will pass to me from my mum and things from as far back as Great Great Great Aunt Katherine. These were shown alongside works from fellow printmakers Belinda McGrath, Clare Ford and Peta Lloyd.
8 layer reduction linoprint, 2013
oil based inks on fabriano rosaspina
image size 17cm x 24cm
At home in suburbia many of our most important connections are made. Our friends, neighbours, our homes, our family, our children.
The suburbs are where we live, love, laugh and play. Where we work, we struggle, we argue. But we do it with someone we are deeply connected to.
This print was developed for the Connections group exhibition of the Capricornia Printmakers.
This work was acquired by the Rockhampton Art Gallery.
linoprint, 2017
akua ink on fabriano tiepolo
image size 25cm x 36cm
Forgotten… abandoned… weathered… Once immersed in the sounds of cattle bellowing, branding irons and campfires, with tall grass swaying in the breeze. All that remains from an era gone by is the weathered posts and rusting wires. This linoprint was exhibited in the Double Exposure II exhibition, a collaborative affair between the Capricornia Printmakers and the Rockhampton Photography Club, alongside images of abandoned stockyards by photographer Ejay Adams.